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研究方向: 计算机视觉目标检测追踪
2012.9-2017.7,中国科弹珠游戏 自动化研究所,模式识别与智能系统,博士。
2022.4至今,西安建筑科技大学,弹珠游戏 ,助理教授。
(1)Qiang Li, Wenlong Li, Yumeng WANG, Xiaofeng Tong. Technology to automatically identify the frontal body orientation of individuals in real-time multi-camera video feeds, 2022-02-16, WO2020206672A1, EP3953857A1.
(2)Xiaofeng Tong, Qiang Li, Wenlong Li, Chen LING, Yumeng WANG. Systems and methods for virtual camera highlight creation, 2021-12-16, WO2021248462A1.
(3)Xiaofeng Tong, Chen LING, Ming Lu, Qiang Li, Wenlong Li, Yikai Fang, Yumeng WANG. Multi-cam ball location method and apparatus, 2021-09-09, WO2020061986A1, US20210279896A1.
(4)Chen LING, Ming Lu, Qiang Li, Wenlong Li, Xiaofeng Tong, Yikai Fang, Yumeng WANG. Method and system for game status determination, 2021-05-27, WO2020069634A1, US20210158033A1.
(5)Yikai Fang, Qiang Li, Wenlong Li, Haihua LIN, Chen LING, Ming Lu, Hongzhi TAO, Xiaofeng Tong, Yumeng WANG. Technology to automatically locate ball-holding players in multi-camera video feeds, 2021-02-18, WO2021026758A1.
(6)Yikai Fang, Qiang Li, Wenlong Li, Chenning LIU, Chen LING, Hongzhi TAO, Yumeng WANG, Hang Zheng. Player trajectory generation via multiple camera player tracking, 2021-02-04, WO2021016901A1.
(7)Xiaofeng Tong, Wenlong Li, Doron HOUMINER, Chen LING, Yumeng WANG. Highlight moment identification technology in volumetric content creation systems, 2020-04-02, WO2020061875A1, US20210209372A1, CN112739436A.
(8)王雨萌,王政,徐波. 一种实现与虚拟角色实时互动的表情克隆方法及装置, 2018-09-21, CN105654537A.
(9)郎孚博,王政,王雨萌,徐波. 一种虚拟舞台环境下的逼真流体特效制作方法, 2018-04-24, CN104899913A.
(1)Yumeng Wang, Wujun Che, Bo Xu, Encoder-decoder recurrent network model for interactive character animation generation // CGI'17: Computer Graphics International 2017, the 34th annual conference, The Visual Computer 33.6 (2017): 971-980.
(2)Yumeng Wang, Er Li, Feng Wang, Bo Xu, A virtual character learns to defend himself in sword-fighting based on Q-network[C] // The 28th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI 2016
(3)Yumeng Wang, Fubo Lang, Zheng Wang, Bo Xu, Automatic Variable-Timing Animation Transition Based on Hierarchical Interpolation Method[C] // The 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP), 2015: 309-316.
(4)Yumeng Wang, Zheng Wang, Guanbo Bao, Bo Xu. Optimization control for biped motion trajectory[C] // Audio, Language and Image Processing (ICALIP), 2014 International Conference on. IEEE, 2014: 780-785.
(5)Zheng Wang, Yumeng Wang. Haptic Interaction with Fluid Based on Smooth Particles and Finite Elements[M] // Computational Science and Its Applications, CICCSA 2014. Springer International Publishing, 2014: 808-823.
姓 名: 王雨萌 民 族: 籍 贯: 陕西西安
职 称: 讲师 职 务: 政治面貌: 中共党员
部 门: 人工智能与自动化系 电子邮箱: [email protected]
所属学科: 计算机科学与技术
硕士培养方向: 计算机科学与技术
研究方向: 计算机视觉目标检测追踪
2012.9-2017.7,中国科弹珠游戏 自动化研究所,模式识别与智能系统,博士。
2022.4至今,西安建筑科技大学,弹珠游戏 ,助理教授。
(1)Qiang Li, Wenlong Li, Yumeng WANG, Xiaofeng Tong. Technology to automatically identify the frontal body orientation of individuals in real-time multi-camera video feeds, 2022-02-16, WO2020206672A1, EP3953857A1.
(2)Xiaofeng Tong, Qiang Li, Wenlong Li, Chen LING, Yumeng WANG. Systems and methods for virtual camera highlight creation, 2021-12-16, WO2021248462A1.
(3)Xiaofeng Tong, Chen LING, Ming Lu, Qiang Li, Wenlong Li, Yikai Fang, Yumeng WANG. Multi-cam ball location method and apparatus, 2021-09-09, WO2020061986A1, US20210279896A1.
(4)Chen LING, Ming Lu, Qiang Li, Wenlong Li, Xiaofeng Tong, Yikai Fang, Yumeng WANG. Method and system for game status determination, 2021-05-27, WO2020069634A1, US20210158033A1.
(5)Yikai Fang, Qiang Li, Wenlong Li, Haihua LIN, Chen LING, Ming Lu, Hongzhi TAO, Xiaofeng Tong, Yumeng WANG. Technology to automatically locate ball-holding players in multi-camera video feeds, 2021-02-18, WO2021026758A1.
(6)Yikai Fang, Qiang Li, Wenlong Li, Chenning LIU, Chen LING, Hongzhi TAO, Yumeng WANG, Hang Zheng. Player trajectory generation via multiple camera player tracking, 2021-02-04, WO2021016901A1.
(7)Xiaofeng Tong, Wenlong Li, Doron HOUMINER, Chen LING, Yumeng WANG. Highlight moment identification technology in volumetric content creation systems, 2020-04-02, WO2020061875A1, US20210209372A1, CN112739436A.
(8)王雨萌,王政,徐波. 一种实现与虚拟角色实时互动的表情克隆方法及装置, 2018-09-21, CN105654537A.
(9)郎孚博,王政,王雨萌,徐波. 一种虚拟舞台环境下的逼真流体特效制作方法, 2018-04-24, CN104899913A.
(1)Yumeng Wang, Wujun Che, Bo Xu, Encoder-decoder recurrent network model for interactive character animation generation // CGI'17: Computer Graphics International 2017, the 34th annual conference, The Visual Computer 33.6 (2017): 971-980.
(2)Yumeng Wang, Er Li, Feng Wang, Bo Xu, A virtual character learns to defend himself in sword-fighting based on Q-network[C] // The 28th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI 2016
(3)Yumeng Wang, Fubo Lang, Zheng Wang, Bo Xu, Automatic Variable-Timing Animation Transition Based on Hierarchical Interpolation Method[C] // The 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP), 2015: 309-316.
(4)Yumeng Wang, Zheng Wang, Guanbo Bao, Bo Xu. Optimization control for biped motion trajectory[C] // Audio, Language and Image Processing (ICALIP), 2014 International Conference on. IEEE, 2014: 780-785.
(5)Zheng Wang, Yumeng Wang. Haptic Interaction with Fluid Based on Smooth Particles and Finite Elements[M] // Computational Science and Its Applications, CICCSA 2014. Springer International Publishing, 2014: 808-823.
