
电子邮箱: [email protected]


研究方向: 时滞系统稳定与控制、网络系统分析与综合、强化学习及其应用
2018.04 — 2022.06, 西北工业大学, 控制科学与工程, 博士
2015.09 — 2018.04, 西北工业大学, 控制理论与控制工程, 硕士
2011.09 — 2015.06, 河北师范大学, 电气工程及其自动化, 学士
2022.7—至今,西安建筑科技大学,弹珠游戏 人工智能与自动化系,准聘副教授,硕士生导师
1.陕西省教育厅,陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目,23JK0517, 新能源电力系统的负荷频率控制稳定性提升策略研究, 2023-1至2024-12,2万元, 在研,主持.
2.西北工业大学研究生院,博士论文创新基金,CX202040, 博弈对抗下网络协同感知与控制, 2020-06至2022-06,3万元, 结题,主持
3.西北工业大学研究生院,研究生创意创新种子基金,Z2017158,时滞电力系统稳定性与负荷频率控制, 2017-06至2018-06, 1万元,结题,主持
6.陕西省科学技术厅,自然科学基础研究计划一般项目,2018JQ6033, 含时延电网系统时滞依赖稳定分析与广域控制,2018-01至 2019-12,结题,参与
1.Feisheng Yang, Jing He, Peipei Kang. Chapter Five - State estimation strategy for continuous-time systems with time-varying delay via a novel L-K functional,In Control Strategy for Time-Delay Systems, Part II: Engineering Applications, Emerging Methodologies and Applications in Modelling, Academic Press, 10千字,2021.
1.Jing He, Yan Liang, Feisheng Yang∗, Zhenwei Wei, Novel negative-definiteness conditions on the quadratic polynomial function with application to stability analysis of continuous time-varying delay systems, ISA Transactions, 135:150-158, 2023.
2.Jing He, Yan Liang, Feisheng Yang, Feng Yang, New H-infinity state estimation criteria of delayed static neural networks via the Lyapunov- Krasovskii functional with negative definite terms, Neural Networks, vol. 123, pp.236-247, 2020.
3.Jing He, Yan Liang, Feisheng Yang, Robust control for a class of cyber-physical systems with multi-uncertainties, International Journal of System Science, vol. 52, pp: 505-524, 2021.
4.Jing He, Yuedong Wang, Yan Liang, Jinwen Hu, Shi Yan, Learning-based airborne sensor task assignment in unknown dynamic environments, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 111, 104747, 2022.
5.Jing He, Yan Liang, Xiaohui Hao, Feisheng Yang, Quan Pan, A quadratic convex framework with bigger freedom for stability analysis of cyber-physical microgrid system, Science China Information Sciences, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s11432-021-3433-8.
6.Feisheng Yang(导师), Jing He, Peipei Kang, Quan Pan,Delay range-and-rate dependent stability criteria for systems with interval time-varying delay via a quasi-quadratic convex framework, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 29, pp: 2492-2509, 2019.
7.Feisheng Yang(导师), Jing He, Quan Pan, Further Improvement on delay-dependent load frequency control of power systems via truncated B-L inequality, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.33, pp: 5062-5071, 2018.
8.Feisheng Yang(导师), Jing He, Dianhui Wang,New stability criteria of delayed load frequency control systems via Infinite-Series-Based inequality, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol.14, pp:231-240, 2018.
9.Feisheng Yang(导师), Jing He, Jing Wang, Minghui Wang, Auxiliary-function-based double integral inequality approach to stability analysis of load frequency control systems with interval time-varying delay, IET Control Theory and Application, vol.12, pp: 601-612, 2018.
10.Jing He, Yan Liang, Feisheng Yang, Load frequency control for cyber-physical microgrid via a relaxed quadratic convex framework, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, 2021.
11.Jing He, Yan Liang, New results on state estimation of static neural networks with time-varying delays, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2020.
12.Jing He,Yan Liang, Linfeng Xu, Shi Yan, Stabilizing control for CPS against energy-constrained deception attacks, International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, 2019.
13.闫实,贺静,王跃东,孙自强,梁彦,基于强化学习的多机协同传感器管理,系统工程与电子技术,2020,42(8), 1726-1733.
IEEE T Cyber, IEEE T SMC-System,IEEE T IE, IEEE T CST, IEEE T CAS II- Express Briefs,CJEE, IFAC,CAA等国际期刊和会议审稿人  
姓 名: 贺静 民 族: 籍 贯: 山西省临汾市
职 称: 讲师 职 务: 政治面貌: 中共党员
部 门: 人工智能与自动化系 电子邮箱: [email protected]
所属学科: 控制科学与工程
硕士培养方向: 控制科学与工程、电子信息
研究方向: 时滞系统稳定与控制、网络系统分析与综合、强化学习及其应用
2018.04 — 2022.06, 西北工业大学, 控制科学与工程, 博士
2015.09 — 2018.04, 西北工业大学, 控制理论与控制工程, 硕士
2011.09 — 2015.06, 河北师范大学, 电气工程及其自动化, 学士
2022.7—至今,西安建筑科技大学,弹珠游戏 人工智能与自动化系,准聘副教授,硕士生导师
1.陕西省教育厅,陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目,23JK0517, 新能源电力系统的负荷频率控制稳定性提升策略研究, 2023-1至2024-12,2万元, 在研,主持.
2.西北工业大学研究生院,博士论文创新基金,CX202040, 博弈对抗下网络协同感知与控制, 2020-06至2022-06,3万元, 结题,主持
3.西北工业大学研究生院,研究生创意创新种子基金,Z2017158,时滞电力系统稳定性与负荷频率控制, 2017-06至2018-06, 1万元,结题,主持
6.陕西省科学技术厅,自然科学基础研究计划一般项目,2018JQ6033, 含时延电网系统时滞依赖稳定分析与广域控制,2018-01至 2019-12,结题,参与
1.Feisheng Yang, Jing He, Peipei Kang. Chapter Five - State estimation strategy for continuous-time systems with time-varying delay via a novel L-K functional,In Control Strategy for Time-Delay Systems, Part II: Engineering Applications, Emerging Methodologies and Applications in Modelling, Academic Press, 10千字,2021.
1.Jing He, Yan Liang, Feisheng Yang∗, Zhenwei Wei, Novel negative-definiteness conditions on the quadratic polynomial function with application to stability analysis of continuous time-varying delay systems, ISA Transactions, 135:150-158, 2023.
2.Jing He, Yan Liang, Feisheng Yang, Feng Yang, New H-infinity state estimation criteria of delayed static neural networks via the Lyapunov- Krasovskii functional with negative definite terms, Neural Networks, vol. 123, pp.236-247, 2020.
3.Jing He, Yan Liang, Feisheng Yang, Robust control for a class of cyber-physical systems with multi-uncertainties, International Journal of System Science, vol. 52, pp: 505-524, 2021.
4.Jing He, Yuedong Wang, Yan Liang, Jinwen Hu, Shi Yan, Learning-based airborne sensor task assignment in unknown dynamic environments, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 111, 104747, 2022.
5.Jing He, Yan Liang, Xiaohui Hao, Feisheng Yang, Quan Pan, A quadratic convex framework with bigger freedom for stability analysis of cyber-physical microgrid system, Science China Information Sciences, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s11432-021-3433-8.
6.Feisheng Yang(导师), Jing He, Peipei Kang, Quan Pan,Delay range-and-rate dependent stability criteria for systems with interval time-varying delay via a quasi-quadratic convex framework, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 29, pp: 2492-2509, 2019.
7.Feisheng Yang(导师), Jing He, Quan Pan, Further Improvement on delay-dependent load frequency control of power systems via truncated B-L inequality, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.33, pp: 5062-5071, 2018.
8.Feisheng Yang(导师), Jing He, Dianhui Wang,New stability criteria of delayed load frequency control systems via Infinite-Series-Based inequality, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol.14, pp:231-240, 2018.
9.Feisheng Yang(导师), Jing He, Jing Wang, Minghui Wang, Auxiliary-function-based double integral inequality approach to stability analysis of load frequency control systems with interval time-varying delay, IET Control Theory and Application, vol.12, pp: 601-612, 2018.
10.Jing He, Yan Liang, Feisheng Yang, Load frequency control for cyber-physical microgrid via a relaxed quadratic convex framework, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, 2021.
11.Jing He, Yan Liang, New results on state estimation of static neural networks with time-varying delays, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2020.
12.Jing He,Yan Liang, Linfeng Xu, Shi Yan, Stabilizing control for CPS against energy-constrained deception attacks, International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, 2019.
13.闫实,贺静,王跃东,孙自强,梁彦,基于强化学习的多机协同传感器管理,系统工程与电子技术,2020,42(8), 1726-1733.
IEEE T Cyber, IEEE T SMC-System,IEEE T IE, IEEE T CST, IEEE T CAS II- Express Briefs,CJEE, IFAC,CAA等国际期刊和会议审稿人  
