
电子邮箱: lijiajia_dynamics@ danzhuyouxi.com


研究方向: 非线性动力学与控制、建筑室内脑神经系统的感知建模、脑机接口与深度学习
2007年9月-2011年7月 西安理工大学(本科学校)
2012年9月-2019年7月 西安交通大学(博士学校)
2017年1月-2018年12月 美国耶鲁大学(博士联培学校)
(2)陕西省教育厅,自然科学专项项目,21JK0710,基于大尺度皮层神经网络建模的神经元能量代谢动力学研究,2021.01-2022.12, 2万元,在研,主持
[1]JiajiaLi*, XuanZhang, Mengmeng Du, YingWu*, Switching behavior of the gamma power in the neuronal network modulated by the astrocytes, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 159, 112135. (SCI, IF= 9.922)中科院1区top
[2]Jiajia Li, Jian Song, Ning Tan, Chenglong Cao, Mengmeng Du, Shengjun Xu, Ying Wu*. Channel block of the astrocyte network connections accounting for the dynamical transition of epileptic seizures, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, 105,3571–3583. (SCI, IF= 5.0222)中科院2区 自动化T1刊
[3] Jiajia Li, Chong Liu, Zhao Feng, et al. The dynamical analysis of the electroencephalogram rhythm oscillation for the epileptic prediction, ICCEAI,2022 July, Shijiazhuang, China. EI收录
[4] Khalaf, A., Kronemer, S. I., Christison-Lagay, K., Kwon, H., Li, J., Wu, K., & Blumenfeld, H*. Early neural activity changes associated with stimulus detection during visual conscious perception. Cerebral cortex, 2022, Advance online publication. (SCI, IF= 5.357) , 中科院1区top
[5] Kwon H, Kronemer SI, Christison-Lagay KL, Khalaf A, Li J, Ding JZ, Freedman NC, Blumenfeld H*. Early cortical signals in visual stimulus detection. Neuroimage. 2021 Dec 1;244:118608. (SCI, IF= 6.5560) ,中科院1区top 自动化T1刊
[6] Yangyang Yu, Zhixuan Yuan, Yongchen Fan, Jiajia Li*, Ying Wu*. Dynamic Transitions in Neuronal Network Firing Sustained by Abnormal Astrocyte Feedback. Neural Plasticity, 2020, 2020:8864246. (SCI, IF= 3.5992)中科院3区
[7] Yangyang Yu, Jiajia Li, ZhixuanYuan e al., Dynamic Mechanism of Epilepsy Generation and Propagation After Ischemic Stroke, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, accepted. 中科院2区
[8] Jiajia Li, Sharif Kronemer, Wendy Herman, et al. Default mode and visual network activity in an attention task: Direct measurement with intracranial EEG[J], Neuroimage, 2019, 201: 116003.( SCI, IF= 6.5560 PubMed ID:31295566 神经影像学JCR排名1/14) ,中科院1区top
[9] Jiajia Li, Yong Xie, Yuguo Yu, et al. A neglected GABAergic astrocyte: Calcium dynamics and involvement in seizure activity[J]. Science China: Technological Science, 2017, 60. (SCI, IF= 3.5718 )中科院2区
[10] Jiajia Li, Shaobao Liu, Weiming Liu, et al. Suppression of firing activities in neuron and neurons of network induced by electromagnetic radiation[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 83(1): 801-810 (SCI, IF= 5.0222 ) ,中科院2区top
[11] Jia-Jia Li, Meng-Meng Du, Rong Wang, et al. Astrocytic Gliotransmitter: Diffusion Dynamics and Induction of Information Processing on Tripartite Synapses[J]. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 2016, 26(8):1650138. (SCI, IF= 2.8362 ),中科院2区
[12] Jiajia Li, Jun Tang, Jun Ma, et al. Dynamic transition of neuronal firing induced by abnormal astrocytic glutamate oscillation[J]. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:32343. (SCI, IF= 4.3804 ) JCR citation:21
[13] Jiajia Li, Rong Wang, Mengmeng Du, et al. Dynamic transition on the seizure-like neuronal activity by astrocytic calcium channel block[J]. Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2016, 91:702-708. (SCI, IF= 3.764 )中科院1区
[14] Jiajia Li, Ying Wu*, Mengmeng Du, Weiming Liu. Dynamic behavior in firing rhythm transitions of neurons under electromagnetic radiation[J]. Acta Phys. Sin, 2015, 64(3): 30503(in Chinese) (SCI,C刊)
[15] Ying Wu*, Jiajia Li, Shaobao Liu, Jiazhi Pang, Mengmeng Du, Pan Lin. Noise-induced spatiotemporal patterns in Hodgkin–Huxley neuronal network[J]. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2013, 7(5): 431(SCI)
[16] Du, M., Li, J., Ying, W., & Yu, Y. A dynamics model of neuron-astrocyte network accounting for febrile seizures. Cognitive neurodynamics, 2022, 16(2), 411–423. (SCI)
[17] Mengmeng Du, Jiajia Li, Liang Chen, et a. (2018) Astrocytic Kir4.1 channels and gap junctions account for spontaneous epileptic seizure[J]. PLoS Computational Biology, 2018, 14(3): e1005877(SCI)
[18] MengMeng Du, Jiajia Li, Yuan Zhixuan, et al., Astrocyte and ions metabolism during epileptogenesis:A review for modeling studies, 2020, Chinese Phys. B 29 038701. (SCI)
[19] Mengmeng Du, Jiajia Li, Rong Wang, et al. The influence of potassium concentration on epileptic seizures in a coupled neuronal model in the hippocampus[J]. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2016, 10(5):1-10. (SCI)
[20] Rong Wang, Jiajia Li, Li Wang, et al. Application of complex network method to spatiotemporal patterns in a neuronal network[J]. Physica A Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications, 2016, 463:219-230. (SCI)
[21] Rong Wang, Jiajia Li, Mengmeng Du, et al. Transition of spatiotemporal patterns in neuronal networks with chemical synapses[J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 2016, 40:80-88. (SCI)
[22] Shaobao Liu, Ying Wu*, Jiajia Li, Yong Xie, Ning Tan, The dynamic behavior of spiral waves in stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal networks with ion channel blocks[J], Nonlinear Dynamics 73 (2013) 1055 (SCI)
[23] Jiajia Li, Sharif Kronemer, Hunki Kwon, Christopher Micek, Jun Hwan Ryu, Mark Aksen, Wendy Herman, Ying Wu, Jason Gerrard, Dennis D. Spencer, Hal Blumenfeld*, Intracranial EEG topography of neural networks with transient and sustained shifts in attention, SfN’s (Society for Neuroscience) Annual Meeting, November 3rd,2018, San Diego, CA, USA, (EI, ISTP,SCI等收录)
中国振动工程学会高级会员、Nonlinear Dynamics, Cognitive Neurodynamics, Neural Plasticity 审稿人。
姓 名: 李佳佳 民 族: 籍 贯: 陕西西安
职 称: 副教授 职 务: 政治面貌: 中共党员
部 门: 人工智能与自动化系 电子邮箱: lijiajia_dynamics@ danzhuyouxi.com
所属学科: 控制科学与工程
硕士培养方向: 控制科学与工程、电子信息
研究方向: 非线性动力学与控制、建筑室内脑神经系统的感知建模、脑机接口与深度学习
2007年9月-2011年7月 西安理工大学(本科学校)
2012年9月-2019年7月 西安交通大学(博士学校)
2017年1月-2018年12月 美国耶鲁大学(博士联培学校)
(2)陕西省教育厅,自然科学专项项目,21JK0710,基于大尺度皮层神经网络建模的神经元能量代谢动力学研究,2021.01-2022.12, 2万元,在研,主持
[1]JiajiaLi*, XuanZhang, Mengmeng Du, YingWu*, Switching behavior of the gamma power in the neuronal network modulated by the astrocytes, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 159, 112135. (SCI, IF= 9.922)中科院1区top
[2]Jiajia Li, Jian Song, Ning Tan, Chenglong Cao, Mengmeng Du, Shengjun Xu, Ying Wu*. Channel block of the astrocyte network connections accounting for the dynamical transition of epileptic seizures, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, 105,3571–3583. (SCI, IF= 5.0222)中科院2区 自动化T1刊
[3] Jiajia Li, Chong Liu, Zhao Feng, et al. The dynamical analysis of the electroencephalogram rhythm oscillation for the epileptic prediction, ICCEAI,2022 July, Shijiazhuang, China. EI收录
[4] Khalaf, A., Kronemer, S. I., Christison-Lagay, K., Kwon, H., Li, J., Wu, K., & Blumenfeld, H*. Early neural activity changes associated with stimulus detection during visual conscious perception. Cerebral cortex, 2022, Advance online publication. (SCI, IF= 5.357) , 中科院1区top
[5] Kwon H, Kronemer SI, Christison-Lagay KL, Khalaf A, Li J, Ding JZ, Freedman NC, Blumenfeld H*. Early cortical signals in visual stimulus detection. Neuroimage. 2021 Dec 1;244:118608. (SCI, IF= 6.5560) ,中科院1区top 自动化T1刊
[6] Yangyang Yu, Zhixuan Yuan, Yongchen Fan, Jiajia Li*, Ying Wu*. Dynamic Transitions in Neuronal Network Firing Sustained by Abnormal Astrocyte Feedback. Neural Plasticity, 2020, 2020:8864246. (SCI, IF= 3.5992)中科院3区
[7] Yangyang Yu, Jiajia Li, ZhixuanYuan e al., Dynamic Mechanism of Epilepsy Generation and Propagation After Ischemic Stroke, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, accepted. 中科院2区
[8] Jiajia Li, Sharif Kronemer, Wendy Herman, et al. Default mode and visual network activity in an attention task: Direct measurement with intracranial EEG[J], Neuroimage, 2019, 201: 116003.( SCI, IF= 6.5560 PubMed ID:31295566 神经影像学JCR排名1/14) ,中科院1区top
[9] Jiajia Li, Yong Xie, Yuguo Yu, et al. A neglected GABAergic astrocyte: Calcium dynamics and involvement in seizure activity[J]. Science China: Technological Science, 2017, 60. (SCI, IF= 3.5718 )中科院2区
[10] Jiajia Li, Shaobao Liu, Weiming Liu, et al. Suppression of firing activities in neuron and neurons of network induced by electromagnetic radiation[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 83(1): 801-810 (SCI, IF= 5.0222 ) ,中科院2区top
[11] Jia-Jia Li, Meng-Meng Du, Rong Wang, et al. Astrocytic Gliotransmitter: Diffusion Dynamics and Induction of Information Processing on Tripartite Synapses[J]. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 2016, 26(8):1650138. (SCI, IF= 2.8362 ),中科院2区
[12] Jiajia Li, Jun Tang, Jun Ma, et al. Dynamic transition of neuronal firing induced by abnormal astrocytic glutamate oscillation[J]. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:32343. (SCI, IF= 4.3804 ) JCR citation:21
[13] Jiajia Li, Rong Wang, Mengmeng Du, et al. Dynamic transition on the seizure-like neuronal activity by astrocytic calcium channel block[J]. Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2016, 91:702-708. (SCI, IF= 3.764 )中科院1区
[14] Jiajia Li, Ying Wu*, Mengmeng Du, Weiming Liu. Dynamic behavior in firing rhythm transitions of neurons under electromagnetic radiation[J]. Acta Phys. Sin, 2015, 64(3): 30503(in Chinese) (SCI,C刊)
[15] Ying Wu*, Jiajia Li, Shaobao Liu, Jiazhi Pang, Mengmeng Du, Pan Lin. Noise-induced spatiotemporal patterns in Hodgkin–Huxley neuronal network[J]. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2013, 7(5): 431(SCI)
[16] Du, M., Li, J., Ying, W., & Yu, Y. A dynamics model of neuron-astrocyte network accounting for febrile seizures. Cognitive neurodynamics, 2022, 16(2), 411–423. (SCI)
[17] Mengmeng Du, Jiajia Li, Liang Chen, et a. (2018) Astrocytic Kir4.1 channels and gap junctions account for spontaneous epileptic seizure[J]. PLoS Computational Biology, 2018, 14(3): e1005877(SCI)
[18] MengMeng Du, Jiajia Li, Yuan Zhixuan, et al., Astrocyte and ions metabolism during epileptogenesis:A review for modeling studies, 2020, Chinese Phys. B 29 038701. (SCI)
[19] Mengmeng Du, Jiajia Li, Rong Wang, et al. The influence of potassium concentration on epileptic seizures in a coupled neuronal model in the hippocampus[J]. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2016, 10(5):1-10. (SCI)
[20] Rong Wang, Jiajia Li, Li Wang, et al. Application of complex network method to spatiotemporal patterns in a neuronal network[J]. Physica A Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications, 2016, 463:219-230. (SCI)
[21] Rong Wang, Jiajia Li, Mengmeng Du, et al. Transition of spatiotemporal patterns in neuronal networks with chemical synapses[J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 2016, 40:80-88. (SCI)
[22] Shaobao Liu, Ying Wu*, Jiajia Li, Yong Xie, Ning Tan, The dynamic behavior of spiral waves in stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal networks with ion channel blocks[J], Nonlinear Dynamics 73 (2013) 1055 (SCI)
[23] Jiajia Li, Sharif Kronemer, Hunki Kwon, Christopher Micek, Jun Hwan Ryu, Mark Aksen, Wendy Herman, Ying Wu, Jason Gerrard, Dennis D. Spencer, Hal Blumenfeld*, Intracranial EEG topography of neural networks with transient and sustained shifts in attention, SfN’s (Society for Neuroscience) Annual Meeting, November 3rd,2018, San Diego, CA, USA, (EI, ISTP,SCI等收录)
中国振动工程学会高级会员、Nonlinear Dynamics, Cognitive Neurodynamics, Neural Plasticity 审稿人。
